Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Pinky Toe Is Wollen Itchy And Very Red

The urgent and what is behind it ...

... by Osho:

Something gnaws at you, is some serious concern in you, creates the rush, some low voltage, which does not allow you to relax.

So when you the next time you eat something, then check out what's wrong with you. If you hurry have and give good care! Want to run away from anything? Will you not take something that is in you? Do you want to suppress it? If there is any concern, and you do not want to admit even that it exists? Is there any wound that you cover up with flowers? Observe deep inside. All the people who are in a hurry to prove only that they have some deep concerns with him to carry around and not even have the courage to face her. Get her up, let them come to the surface. Take on her, and you'll be surprised.

Every problem that you do just pretend to be, face to face, disappears.

means in the inner world to recognize a problem, means knowing what it is exactly is, does the diagnostic healing. There is no other drug in the inner world. A problem exists only as long as you repress it all the time. While you will not allow it to be exposed, it exists. And people constantly accumulating a lot of problems, and then of course they are always in a hurry. Due to the rush they want to avoid them. Because if they keep quiet, sit still, they will have to face.

So they are constantly in a rush in the race, the making no matter what. Only if they sink into sleep, they appear to be calm - but underneath they do not even then it. Then they run around in their dreams and nightmares and rush away. Once you have a thing have recognized, it is no longer there. It holds only as long as you continue to repress, oppress, each recognize and avoid, avoid Durchchschauen. Problems exist because of your ignorance, because of your unconsciousness. Awareness is the solution. Remember: I call it the solution. It has nothing to do with a particular issue. Each, but every problem disappear by consciousness. It is the solution.

Osho: Come Follow to You, Vol 4, # 10

Copyright © 2010 Osho International Foundation


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