Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Camera Straps For Hiking

I am again :-)

Sawubona :-)
After 2 ½ weeks I can finally rouse myself to report on report and you to redeem from the unknown * grin *.
At 28.10 came to the last three volunteers, the twins Sophie and derren friend Pia and Anja are now for 10 months GGA serve, so we are now 17 volunteers. So who's been paying attention, you realize that we actually even 18 volunteers would have to be a had to leave us but unfortunately due to a rule violation.

fell after the shock then also from the water on GGA, since we are having 9 houses along a line, which do not pay 7 the water consumed. Therefore, the water was simply turned off times. On the same day (29.09) were still rumors that GGA should move because the water problem will exist in a nearby barn, in that case all the children, volunteers and employees live, including cows. Electricity, toilets and so on, there is no more. I've been concerned about it, go to on arrival of this nightmare in the project.
After 24 hours of uncertainty, but it cleared up-GGA is here and we get its own water line.

The following week was very spectacular, I had to do my normal duties.
On 5 October, I had early in the morning desperate for the toilet, would unlock the door, and Zack, I had the door blade in his hand. From the noise and then Rike and Serena awake and Created a slight panic, Rike was about to enter the door ^ ^
After a short time came to Eli for help from the outside and could open the door.
I had admittedly ewas afraid to confess this Mama Venter, because she said so that we volunteers always get everything broken. You I was however just laughed and sent me to a kind of caretaker here. Now we have a new castle :-)

Since the day Seffi and I considered us to share our homework group because we can not simultaneously take care of the 5 children, but need all the help. Now we do so by at 14:00 clock with the two first-graders their tasks, which is usually very nerve-racking, and from 15:30 clock then the second-and third-grader's turn. The almost never get homework from teachers of announces to why we prepare every day tasks.
takes to help the girls even fun, because it motivates a lot of the tasks and all go very well in school and are already much too early to always sit in the kitchen to get started. Especially the Zweitklässlerin (Amanda) is conspicuously well. She solves the problems we 9x8 or large additions with ease. Meanwhile, she gets the same bills we the older children.

the evening, we have not played Ligretto and as so often watched a DVD.

Wednesday was a highlight for me and Rebecca, as we were invited by the Norwegian girls for dinner. Instead of rice, it was for us then vegetables including potatoes, fish sticks, salad and cooked. At this point, once Tusentak (Thanks to Norwegian).
began on Friday then back off my weekend. Once again more false information about the departure time to the mall in Pietermaritzburg, we moved off at 14:00 clock. I was in advance with the cousin of my grandfather (Hannes publican) reported that spending time in South Africa and now here too. We then arranged to meet at the mall.
The last time we saw in Kiel, this time in South Africa, or Something?
I found it very nice, because he could tell me much about the area and could give me tips on what places I must visit more.
I had, moreover, mention that my parents and my sister come to visit me for Christmas? They are from 23.12. - 04.01. my new "home" review. We plan to spend the Christmas holidays on GGA and then up the coast and then down to travel with a rental car.
I am really looking forward to finally being able to show someone what I write constantly.
is probably it may look quite wrong here anyway (. 9.10) before ;-)
On Saturday, I've been with Steffi two salads and tea, inserted a bit of chocolate and then we had a picnic. Behind the pool house (which is the house where the living male volunteers) is a meadow, from which one can look into the valley. From there you can (see example in "The Lion King";) the typical African tree), I think I see the hot acacia trees, be separated houses and a breathtaking landscape.
evening was then again a little party and then it went, as always, very tired to bed. I do not know what it is, but I go here almost every night 23 clock to bed, although I can sleep. In Germany, however, I was at school rarely in bed before 24 Clock.
went on Sunday for me again to Durban. We took the minibus into the city and then walked to the beach. On the way we went about two African markets, with we were far and wide in the one the only light-skinned. But I must say that I am now no longer the intimidating, because I feel so comfortable in dark-skinned. Of course, keep to his purse even more firmly in the hand is in a German supermarket, but outside of the theft, I have witnessed no violence against the South Africans which I feel really very helpful and friendly. After about one hour
walk we arrived at the beach and plunged immediately into the high waves. Then we laid down to dry and I fell asleep, what was in retrospect a big mistake . Because after 1 ½ hours, I woke up and on my once slightly tanned body was red as a lobster. Such a strong sunburn I had never even today (19 10) is slightly red and the skin peels off AB.Repeat week I had to do without so tight clothing but for me to admire the other, as I was brown but now :-)
As we were leaving the beach, looking Alex, who was also traveling with us, his wallet and could not find it then someone has to have someone that is serving in his pocket as we have been not just a look. We even went into the sea turns to us as something so could not happen here but they are sometimes so skillfully that you can sit right next to the bag but not noticed.
So we went
once to the police to have a chance of being able to get back to the thief useless papers such as driver's license.
Then we wanted to go directly to the minibus station, as Steffi had at one time only her broken chain, without a trailer in his hand. A man walking past her during the stealing for them very important, golden angel. Then he ran away immediately, unfortunately we had no chance.
This has been so weakened my positive image of the South Africans something but just hope that the thieves have stolen only to feed their families or something similar.
went On Monday, the normal work week going on and I was still in bed, than on our roof seemed to be an animal. I thought it was one of the many cats must be seen until suddenly a hand to our window was. Because actually wanted to climb a monkey in our window, only our self-built network has prevented him from flying. Otherwise, nothing worth mentioning has happened in the week. On Friday I went with Steffi in the Preschool. The einhaltet Preschool to kindergarten with children aged 2 years and the first class. As the teacher of the first class only once a week teaching because of the travel costs, which now takes over the Steffi. I helped her a bit, and it really almost is just about the children to employ in the breaks and to resolve disputes, because 2 / 3 of the time interval and only 1 / 3 really teaching is done. During the breaks, it is highly visible, with which toys the children can occupy for hours. Instead
any Game Boys have children here car tires, they roll up a small hill and over again to let it roll down again.
It is very hard, all morning and afternoon to be in action and then continue to provide help with homework, but I would now go more often because the children are all just love only. No child knew my name, but I was right on arrival 5 children by the hand and a couple sitting on me yet.
funny was that the children with "Teacher, Teacher!" Came to me and then told a story in Zulu. I tried it then to explain in English that I do not understand Zulu, but since she can not speak English, they replied back to the Zulu. That was a great interview :-)
The Valley is barely speak English, so not really a children in kindergarten who speak other than English by GGA. In the first grade but can actually speak English.
then went to the Preschool in the mall, because we learned the day before that the trip through Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique and Namibia next week starts Sunday.
So I bought still need things like a hat.
Saturday I had free time again, because the layers were changed in my favor (I am lucky) and I went out to relax with a few others to a nearby small airport, because people have invited us there to grill.
(luckily we had flashlights and men here) After a scary walk through the bush we found the place too and it was a very nice evening. Maybe we can sometimes fly with the people for little money.
When I go to bed yet destroyed a step but it is on the rickety Staircase was not difficult (although it was again clear that it must happen to me). On Sunday I was
the whole day in bed because I was sick.

Now I have a meeting with Heather for the trip and I have to rush anything.

I'll get back at least to report on the trip :-)




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