Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pantless Party In Guantanamo Bay

Weil - Secret de Venus - bath oil

Sometime in the early 40's was because of the "Secret de Venus" was published as a bath oil.
Not with the addition of "zibeline" nor "antelope" - just plain and simple, "Secret de Venus".

This amber-colored oil contains all the power of a perfume, and even more.
For somehow collects and transports the basis of oil, the scents still lush, seductive, rich.

Originally intended as a supplement to the bathroom, drop by drop - to the whole body lightly with the aura of the scent envelop, women were completely fix the fact that a very thin film applied to the vibrant parts of the skin, a very others had a much greater impact.
I was lucky, a full bottle of this "mystery of Venus" to get hold of. Not this time in the hourglass-shaped bottle, but in a ribbed, oblong shape with vertical lettering. Looks For me, very "70s" from. In any case, "vintage", because this scent is in this form and formulation produced, unfortunately.

Boucher - Bath of Diana
What is expected now from a bath oil? Rather something like a hammer from lush voluminous notes? On the contrary!
The first impression is fresh, fruity, chypre with mountains of citrus notes. Grapefruit and freshly cut grass to make the oily impression one receives from the application, the same pots.
fresh ... juicy. Unbelievable rich, lush.

sensuous abundance is suggested when patchouli and sandalwood is offenbaren.Karamell together with a shiny and soft vanilla smell is now developing the fragrance with a powdery touch.
Juicy, freshly cut, beautiful ripe fruit is noticeable, maybe peaches or nectarines Aprikosen.Gelbfleischig and lush. Dripping sweetness, honey soft juiciness.

jasmine and mimosa, freesia, orange and rose petals together form a floral chord that is on all the blooms bliss quite deafening. The fresh grass is still perceived - with the lush, late-night flower notes a pleasure garden appears before the inner eye.

back there ... yes, there is the somewhat remote, hidden bathing temple, everything is ready with fresh fruit in golden bowls, ignited incense, sandalwood and precious resins smoke curl bright threads in the humid and warm air. Oil lamps illuminate the room only as far as necessary. Soft towels and cushions lying around casually.

Bath of Venus on a wall in Pompeii
Aphrodite serious and formal dress of the day behind him to withdraw to do here with warm water and soothing oils and ointments good.

stripped in the fragrant air of her bath, she disputes the gods of the lustful and thinks about her soon, midnight meeting with Adonis ....

Titian - Venus of Urbino
perhaps belonged in antiquity, in Pompeii These kinds of rituals for wellness bath of the upper classes - is desperate just tried to today, with the Denglisch "wellness" everything to label absolutely everything to give even the simplest of the bristly brush, soap and a nobler image.

A single drop of oil but can this exclusive from the leanest, hellblauwolkig tiled bathroom with a scratch 60-year-soaked rags and old dripping taps evoke the atmosphere of a temple of beauty. The illusion of luxury, of indulgence, the Umhülltseins remains with the wearer, finished her performance and her being.

is the true well-ness: real luxury that passes even when the door is closed to the modern bathroom.
ultimate durability, adhesion to the skin and development potential this perfume preparation make the high price of vintage bottles completely realistic and akzeptabel.Ein treat olfactory kind and very special to boot.

Botticelli - Birth of Venus (as alienated Daguerreotype)
..... Aphrodite disappears into the darkening, whispering garden, compete in the night blooming jasmine bushes and orange trees with the sweet scent of her skin. In the distance, lit her pale blue drapery on again, then it's gone. What remains is the sweetness of their appearance and the lonely moon.


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