Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Muscle En Sims 2 Tutorial

From now on: current and Fragrances-Perfumes-flasks. Annick Goutal - Eau de Camille

Dear reader / in!

From now on it is on this blog, images, impressions and give Besprechnungen of current scents.
I'm in the last few months about so many "new" perfume stumbled (sozusagen. ...) that I do not like slow longer: too beautiful, much of what there is for new fragrances. The trashing of unsightly smells but I'm going to resist - and I'm not here, here is written only beautiful ....

I start with a new-for-me fragrances and combine this with a walk through my garden in high summer, when shady areas are a blessing!

Eau de Camille by Annick Goutal

Photo of
The privet was replaced by Thuja. Unfortunately
was a result of this scent back propelled me in my childhood - about 1963
fraction of a second after the application of this fragrance I was that age to 5 years, ponytail, summer - heat - Lunch paddling ban - sun oil. I was so Spielanzügelchen with white polka dots on bright red background - there are pictures of it .... and brown leather sandals with buckles. Patches on knees and elbows ...

back of the garden in a corner, nor of Grandpa planted, lush flowering privet hedge buzzed around, beetles and bees, visited by butterflies in many types (Yes, there were at that time!) A couple of rough concrete slabs made of it, "my " Terrace - there was a garden chair and a rocking bar.

streamed in sonnengefleckten shade of dark green, shiny leaves from these tiny, honey-sweet and tart flowers their summer scent, and I - most bloody knees from any "falling down" traveling from any device, licked my wounds there, played with Erdmatsch, small pebbles and glittering shards of glass.

where I buried my treasure to them a few days later, again "to find".
grew wild forest on the ground ivy, fern and geranium, and neighboring gardens could hear the chattering of the rolling lawn mower (Brill nix!! Engine) and it smelled of freshly mown grass

ferns in the spring
top on the wrong wanted to cut the privet hedge entwined an evergreen, with its cream-pink flowers that were always full of green louse, which suck the nectar there! - Is still there, the casting out again, after the hedge was cut down long ago

ivy on the old pine

an evergreen - Honeysuckle
the late afternoon, the scent of Ligusterblüten more and more, and I was me that they are tropical jungle flowers ..

And miraculously, this carefree, dreamy and erdbeerfleckige children in summer and caught the scent can be long-lost pictures and memories, people and voices back to life. I have tears in their eyes, so intense are the memories triggered thereby.

shady corner in the garden, with roses and ferns

A cast of fresh-Guen and extremely bitter scent is the first thing is to perceive. Herb, angular, full of juice, and GREEN. How
plucked fresh stems, such as crushed foliage.

same time, the reports Jelängejelieber (honeysuckle), with its perfumed, creamy floral.
And a lush, volluminös-round scent of Ligusterblühten developed, while the green moisture evaporates.

White Lilac macro
The smell of freshly cut grass is a bit ... then a distant blooming lilac bush a warm summer breath breathed through the air and for me conjures up the garden again, which no longer exists for a long time.

Blooming Lilac "St. Petersburg"
madness! For the hopefully soon onset of spring, for summer, for the hot days I can recommend this fragrance "strongly".


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