Thursday, February 10, 2011

Velveeta And Rotel Chicken Pasta Comercial

, Adventure, pure Africa!

Hello my friends,
did you probably already wondered why it did this time lasted until I will hear from me, but the last 2 months I was almost never on GGA, as I enjoyed three different, wonderful vacations, of which I write now and I certainly do envy you :-)

9.12. - 17.12. Cape Town

As I mentioned earlier, Heather gave us the opportunity to travel with her to Cape Town because they had to do some business there.
It was thus for Caro, Rebecca, Stephen and me at 9.12. clock at 11:00 (6:00 clock was planned, but that's normal here) going on with a minibus. At 3:00 at night, we are in a Tzizikama Backpacker arrived and spent the first night. The next day we went
at 10:00 clock after a late night on the so-called "Big Tree" in Tzizikama. Yes you can watch your pictures on the internet of this giant tree really incredible.
Then we went into the Tzizikama National Park, located by the sea. There, we hiked 2 ½ hours on a mountain-top we had a beautiful view.
Then we needed a cooling down and jumped into the sea, full of anticipation, unfortunately, occurred to us only that we are now called southern Indian Ocean were there and he is therefore much colder than in Durban. So we felt it was only about 15 minutes in the water.
When we went swimming, Heather and Patrick (her husband) saw dolphins, they swam only a few hundred meters away from us:) At 19:30
clock the trip to Cape Town went on then, we drove up to Hermanus, where we order 2:00 clock arrived.
where we shared a Dormroom with two other girls. At 10:30
clock it was already going on but then again, because on this day we still had to reach Cape Town. We were now on the so-called "Garden Route", a famous route that leads directly to the sea and beautiful landscapes adduced, so that we have often inserted photo stops.
At 18:00 clock we reached finally the famous Cape Town (Cape Town). Heather drove us to the Signal Hill from where we could watch the first time in the city and Table Mountain. Then we went to "Camps Bay", which is a beautiful beach (sand, palm trees, clear blue water), in which many celebrities settled. Thus we saw only expensive villas there. Since we were now on the Atlantic Ocean, we wanted to test whether the water is really cold, as we have heard it. Unfortunately, it was so windy that it was thunder on the way to the sand so hard on our bare legs, that I even bled pretty doll-so quickly back to the car. After a beautiful sunset
was then compared 21:00 clock to the Cape Town Backpackers. Actually, we have booked a Dormroom, so a large room with bunk beds and many people, but was accidentally given to other people, so we were allowed to sleep for the compensation in two luxury double room, what a lucky :-)

evening We have taken other volunteers of GGA, which are driven on your own with a rental car after Cape Town. We were with them still in a club and are then quite exhausted like in our luxury bed.

On Sunday, 12.12. We had breakfast on our private terrace with views of Table Mountain and it was very good weather, we decided that we on this day the famous Mountain climbing do. So I'm
with Rebecca from 11:30 - 14:00 clock hiked up Table Mountain or climb. It was really exhausting but the view was worth it.
then an hour after we are gone back down, we met with the other volunteers at the Waterfront. This is a street with shops, restaurants, outdoor stages, located on a beautiful port.
was the late evening, then by minibus (in Cape Town it is a mode of transport for whites and blacks, unlike in Durban, where we are always staring) back to the backpackers. On the way we have in the Long Street (a very famous street in Cape Town), nor a video shoot for a music film saw the band we did not. On Monday we were

up early and went off at 9:00 clock to the District Six Museum, a museum about an area in Cape Town, which has been transformed by the very apartheid. At 12:00 clock we went to eat something and went shopping a bit.
at 19:00 clock we were back and were still in the back bar Ackers

Am 14.12. We have booked a township tour. We drove a minibus into a township on the outskirts of Cape Town. There we received a resident of the township and surrounding us out for 3 hours, and explains much.
We know the housing situation in the Valley, but the tin huts in the township were really much more shocking. The facility was only partially from waste and the cabins were super close together. The toilets shall be there with hundreds of people and everywhere there is rubbish.
After this experience, we drove to the beach and the Waterfront. At 20:00 clock we arrived at our backpackers.

On Wednesday we met for the first time again with Heather. It took us 2 ½ hours to Cape Point. That is the point where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet. On the way we are ever again Baboons (Monkey) met, in which one must take very careful because they bite people probably quite happy ;-)

At 15:30 Clock we went to a beach, where there are very many cute penguins. Sorry, we did not spend so much time, otherwise we would be able to swim with them.
But I've really never imagined that penguins live in South Africa, her?

At 17:30 clock Heather is adopted by two friends, which is the day they came across. We have then gone on with them we have eaten at 21:00 clock back to the "Signal Hill" moved to Cape Town anzuchauen at night.
We could not remove the car, because there have been robbed of several tourists who live Bushmen.

On Thursday we left, unfortunately, the beautiful Cape Town again. I think the city really very beautiful and, above all, much safer than the Beisiel Durban. There, the light-and dark-skinned people live together in the same neighborhoods where they separate into very Durban.
We sat all day in the car until we at 23:00 clock somewhere in the vicinity of Jeffreys Bay in the log cabin that we rented, have arrived.

Am 17.12. Are we set off at 11:00 clock, return the whole time sitting in the car and have finally reached at 23:00 clock GGA.

It really is a super nice vacation to Cape Town was, I can definitely recommend everyone as a great holiday!

From 18.12. to 22.12. I'm back to normal worked on GGA. The kids performed a Nativity play, Visitor were there and have cooked for the children, it was a lot of singing (of course, Christmas) and all were looking forward to Christmas (of course, primarily on gifts).

23.12. - 4.01. Family Dream Vacation

After days of excitement, it was right: Mom, Dad and Tanya come visit me!
They flew on 22 los at 14:45 clock from Hamburg, flew to London to Johannesburg and rented a car there to drive to GGA (about 5 hours drive). Since
was precipitated in the last days because of snow chaos some flights for me it really distressing. Checked every hour I attributes the status of the pilot.
Fortunately, everything went smoothly, so we met at 19:30 at the clock savings in Cato Ridge. Full of joy I'm
first run against the car door, 1 ½ weeks so I had a blue leg but the moment I felt nothing but happiness.
It really was incredibly beautiful, take my loved ones after 4 months the first time back in the arm. At this point, once again many thanks to you that the costs have made to you in order to prepare me this joy!

We drove to GGA and purchased the rondavel, which we rented for the time (it is on the GGA site). Then began the
Unpacking large: a whole suitcase was full of Nashi, packet soups and other things I can not buy here. I also got the gifts for the children. For example, Hannah Peters lots of sports shirts given my parents. Some of the big kids have got one and I will distribute the rest of the Valley the next food drop. I'm sure that will enjoy crazy-thank you!
were all donated, too many drugs, which GGA for the children can not afford. Because of course also have the children in addition to the terrible diseases even a simple flu, headaches or gastrointestinal problems. Now we can give them the necessary Give drugs-many, many thanks to the donors!
My sister has diligently collected old cell phones and jewelry, which I have given to the older children. The were super-grateful thanks, thanks, thanks!

went with many of endorphins in me then we sleep late in the evening.

The next day I had early shift, so I've taken care of the kids. I introduced my family to children and shown the site of PGI. Now they got a picture of what I otherwise could only tell.
At 13:00 clock we went to a beach north of Durban. We had almost the entire beach to ourselves alone, and despite the swimming-forbidden Shield (probably due to lack of shark nets) we ventured into the waves. Then we bought an even
in the famous pavilion.
the evening (actually Christmas Eve), the children sang in the kitchen and then we grilled with the other volunteers. Then we went alone into our house and partied late into the cozy Christmas night.
So it was a quite different (swim in the Indian Ocean instead snowball fight and grilling is Racelett) but very nice Christmas.

On 1 South Africans celebrate the Christmas their Christmas celebration. In celebration of the day it was sponsored by Indians grilled meats and tasty salads, which we used as well.
then drove We in the Valley (Sankontsche) to drive a boy of GGA to his family and to bring the monthly ration of food. My family was able to see the conditions there, but also the beautiful scenery. In the pouring rain, we are the piece that was not to deal with the car, ran to the cabin boy. Fortunately for us we were allowed to even look closely. The children all sleep on the floor, 7 people sharing a room, the graves of family members (parents, sister of the boy) next to the house and still such a happy, wonderful boy. We should really think about me, if our little problems are worth tears and grief.
After this impressive Lunch, we took part in the evenings gifts for the children. Then sang and danced all the children left out in Zulu-Art.

On 2 Christmas Day we went to Durban to the Victoria Street Market, where we managed to get hold quite a few souvenirs. After that I taught you the witches market, sold werden.Danach on the vegetable and animal products to the fortune tellers and witches in the Valley, we were short on the beach in Durban, where just held a Christmas party for the locals and hundreds of people cavorting in the water. Ultimately, we decided to have that newly built football stadium by the opening game took place at the World Cup to visit from the outside.

Am 27.12. We drove to the nearby be "Lion Park" where we cattle, elephants and antelope in the free and of course lion (but live in a kind of enclosure, into which one can enter the car park by car) seen. Then we drove on to
Howick to the falls. In the afternoon we went
still short on shopping in the mall and then eat delicious.

On 28 we went to the uShaka Marine World. This is a huge aquarium exhibition with the world's largest dolphin show. Tanya and I have then tried the giant water slides. In the evening there was pizza for the food alone, it was pure vacation for me :-))

The next day we left our comfortable furnished Rondavel now (Mama has brought quite a lot of Christmas decorations, so I could get in spite of the weather at least a little Christmas spirit) and went to St Lucia which is about 300 kilometers north of Durban.
There I was already with a few other volunteers and found it so beautiful that I have booked an apartment and kidnapped my family was there :-)
Once there, we moved into the super nice apartment and then went to the beach to the huge waves to swim (this time without the sharks).
evening we had a barbecue on the terrace of our apartments and are then vollgefuttert rolled into bed.

The next day we had to get up early, waited for the wild animals: It was in the Hluhluwe National Park in Safari! From 10:00 to 19:00, we drove our rental car through the park, always with the noses on the window in order not to miss an animal.
Our eagle eyes, we saw lots of antelope wildebeest, monkeys, zebras, elephants (one wanted to attack us as well), rhinos, giraffes, water buffalo, warthogs and vultures. As it was said that we had to leave the park now, I even discovered two leopards in a tree about 300 yards away. As we have seen so four of the Big Five, only the Lions have been lacking and this is really a very good result. In the evening we fell into bed totally exhausted, dreaming of the wild animals.

New Year's Eve we did a two hour boat ride, where we could see a lot of hippos and crocodiles, some very close. Then again busy mom bought souvenirs and a fruit in a market.
Now we want to celebrate New Year's Eve a little, so it went on the balcony of a Brazilian and was again beaten in the stomach with super delicious food full.
The last evening of 2010 then we have spent on the terrace of our apartments with a homemade punch and games. At 24:00 we saw a few missiles and then jumped into the pool of the lodge (as you've probably gebibbert despite mulled wine).

New Year we had to vacate our apartment, unfortunately, very early. Then it went to the Drakensberg into a backpackers. There we slept with another man in the room and it's not quite as we expected but we only spent one night there.

The next day, Tanya and I went to make a horse farm umeinen 3-hour ride through the Drakensberg. The scenery was beautiful and the ride was super fun except that Tanya's horse ran off at a rest stop and our leaders, it first had to catch an hour (was previously called it that the horses are cut off yet and they can be let go).

After we were full strength again, we are through the Drakensberg (South African side) to Lesotho (King's own country) in Butha Buthe at 16:00 clock, the limit (days visa) is exceeded and the Drakensberg (Lesotho side) to the Sani Pass 166km on very steep roads (often 1st gear) and potholes in the road, 50 km gravel road to the city even went only Mokhotlong where we arrived at 20:00 clock. From there it was still 30 km to the border crossing Sani Pass in two hours, we have 25 km on gravel road, through rivers made until we had at 22:00 clock 5 km up from our destination and vice versa, as the track with a normal car was not to deal with (we had to move several times asked if this route would be to deal with our car and it is always answered in the affirmative). As we were told later that this route is only with an off-roader to cope with four-wheel drive. For us it was so back 2 hours in the city where we met by chance a patrol car to the police who escorted us to a hotel so we were able to sleep at 01:30 clock. That was really a very nerve-racking day!

On the morning of 3.01. we left the hotel after breakfast and drove back the 166 km to Butha-Buthe. Then another 350 km until after GGA, so we arrived back in the evening in our rondavel. On

4.01. came the day of farewell. After all the things they did were packed around 13:30 clock back on track after Johannesburg, grade the car (which some had to join) and flew back to cold Germany.

It really was a super nice vacation, which provides us all will long be remembered.

, I have already heard that some of you have been waiting impatiently for the next blog entry, I ask once the first two holiday reports online, as the report of the three-week trip still takes some time:)

you soon,

your Sina


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