Wednesday, June 30, 2010

D&c Removing Fibroids

pocketbook on the famous German robber bride

Idar-Oberstein / Wiesbaden (seriously probst blog) - The famous German robber bride was certainly Juliana Blasius (1781-1851) from Weier bei Idar -Oberstein (Kreis Birkenfeld) in Rhineland-Palatinate. The "Julchen" lived for three years with the legendary bandit "Schinderhannes" (c. 1777-1803), the bourgeois John Buckler said together. Her infamous lover on 21 November 1803 with 19 of his cronies in Mainz beheaded. In French documents of that time were called the two "Julie Bläsius "and" Jean Buckler. The paperback "Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes "depicts her adventurous life in words and pictures.

author of this comprehensive 121 pages, lavishly illustrated work is the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst from which even the paperback "The Black Peter. A robber comes from the Hunsrück and Odenwald. The title "Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes "is on" GRIN Verlag for academic texts and the Internet address

printed as a pocket book for € 15.99 or as an electronic e-book in PDF format for 10.99 euros.

biographies are one of the specialties of Ernst Probst, who published many works of popular science. He has written 14 volumes of the paperback series of "super women" and the songs "super women from the Wild West," "Queens of the Air", "Queens of the Dance", "Elizabeth I Tudor," Maria Stuart "," Machbuba. The slave and the Prince "and" My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and other American Indian Wisdom "(the latter title is included Sonja Probst).

more pocket books by Ernst Probst:
records of old, records of early man, Archaeopteryx. The first bird from Bavaria, the great-Rhine, the Rhine-elephant, Germany during the ice age, saber-toothed cats, cave lions. Wild cats in Ice Age, the cave bear, monsters on the track. As the stories emerged about dragons, giants and unicorns, monkeys, humans, sea monster.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Vocab Workshop Level C Unit 8 Answers

What are the "Dinotherium Blog" reports

Wiesbaden (seriously probst blog) - The famous pachyderm at Ur-Rhine, about ten million years is the "Dinotherium blog" dedicated. This animal is popular as Rhein-elephant tusks and elephant as well as scientific and Deinotherium Dinotherium known. When they discovered the first fossil remains of this animal in Europe, it has often been misconstrued. Among the most famous discoveries of Deinotherium giganteum is the so-called "chicken of terror Eppelsheim in Rheinhessen. Eppelsheim is one of the most important sites of animal remains from deposits of the ancient Rhine, known as Dinotheriensande because they contain teeth and bones of this animal's snout. An impressive cast of the "animal horror" skull can be admired in the museum in Dinotherium Eppelsheim. The "Dinotherium blog" is available at the address in Internet.

literature on the topic:

Ernst Probst: The Ur-Rhine
Ernst Probst: The Rhine-Elephant
Ernst Probst: saber-toothed cats
Jens Lorenz Franzen / Heiner Roos / Ernst Probst: The Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim. Guide to the exhibition



Black Lump On Dog's Tail

blog about "Germany during the ice age"

Video: "voice of a lion's den" of "ancient" in "YouTube"

Wiesbaden (seriously probst blog) - The Blog "Germany during the ice age" provides information on events, landscapes, plants, animals and people from the ice age (Pleistocene) from about 2.6 million by 11,700 years. It is available on the Internet at . In fact, should the blog "Ice Age blog" hot. But in ordinary language is usually only talk of ice age. In fact included the Ice Age several ice ages, ice ages and warm periods.

literature on the topic:
Ernst Probst: Germany during the ice age, GRIN, Munich 2010
Ernst Probst: records of old, GRIN, Munich 2008
Ernst Probst: records of old, GRIN, Munich 2008
Ernst Probst: cave lions. Wild cats in Ice Age, GRIN, Munich 2009
Ernst Probst: saber-toothed cats. Machairodus of up to Smilodon, GRIN, Munich 2009
Ernst Probst: The Cave Bear, GRIN, Munich 2009
Ernst Probst: The Lion Mosbacher. The giant cat from Wiesbaden, GRIN, Munich 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bb Gun Desert Eagle Metal

Paperback "The Rhine-elephant" Ernst Probst

Deinotherium giganteum. Drawing: Pavel Major / Dinotherium Museum, Eppelsheim

Eppelsheim (seriously probst blog) - The Rhine-elephant with the scientific names of species Deinotherium giganteum - to German "Huge fright animal" - is considered the best-known animal with a trunk in front of the Ur-Rhine about ten million years ago. This impressive Animal reached a shoulder height of about 3.60 meters. Two downward hook-shaped tusks in the lower jaw gave him the additional name-elephant tusks. Of that primeval giant is at the center of the pocket book "The Rhine-elephant" of the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst. For the texts are excerpts from the comprehensive book "The Ur-Rhine" by the same author, who has made numerous popular scientific works of a name.

The Ur-Rhine flowed in from the Rheinhessen area Worms - Binger on the door - to the west than in the present. The then did not touch the river - as now - the area of Oppenheim, Nierstein Nackenheim, Mainz, Wiesbaden, and Ingelheim. That happened later. The deposits of the ancient Rhine Rheinhessen Dinotheriensande are called because they often contain teeth and bones of the animal's snout Deinotherium giganteum. In the literature we find some cases the name Dinotherium giganteum.

About the exotic wildlife at the Ur-Rhine also provides information to the designated Deinotherium Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim. In the area of Eppelsheim lived about ten million years ago mammoths, saber-toothed cats, bears, dogs, tapirs, rhinos, krallenfüßige ungulates, horses and even great-apes. Eppelsheim enjoys worldwide in science a good reputation. Together with the Paris Montmartre is one of the small town south of Alzey to those great fossil deposits, which began with the exploration of extinct mammals in Europe.

The paperback, "The Rhine-Elephant" is dedicated to three worthy men: Dr. Jens Lorenz Franzen (born 1937), paleontologist in Titisee-Neustadt, a longtime employee of the Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg in Frankfurt am Main, who rediscovered the Dinotheriensand locality and founder Thanks to the first scientific excavations at Eppelsheim, Heiner Roos (b. 1934), the former mayor of Eppelsheim, the idea and the initiative Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim, as well as the Darmstadt paleontologist Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873), has begun with the investigation of mammalian fauna from the Eppelsheim Dinotheriensanden at once.

The title "The Rhine-Elephant" is published in "GRIN for academic texts," includes 144 pages and is lavishly illustrated. GRIN is this work under Internet address as a printed pocket book for € 18.99 or as an inexpensive electronic e-book in PDF format 13.99 Euro.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Red Swollen Pinky Toe

e-book about the giant elephant-Rhine

cast of the skull of the elephant in the Rhine "Dinotherium Museum" in Eppelsheim. Links Heiner Roos, the "spiritual father" of the museum. Photo: Ernst Probst

Eppelsheim (seriously probst blog) - The Rhine-elephant with the scientific names of species Deinotherium giganteum - to German "Huge fright animal" - is considered the best-known animal with a trunk at the Ur-Rhine, about ten million years ago. This impressive animal reached a shoulder height of about 3.60 meters. Two downward hook-shaped tusks in the lower jaw gave him the additional name-elephant tusks. Of that primeval giant is at the center of the pocket book "The Rhine-elephant" the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst. For the texts are excerpts from the extensive work "The Ur-Rhine" by the same author, who has made numerous popular scientific works of a name. The Ur-Rheinhessen Rhine flowed in from the room Worms - Binger on the door - to the west than in the present. The then did not touch the river - as now - the area of Oppenheim, kidney stones, neck home, Mainz, Wiesbaden, and Ingelheim. That happened later. The deposits of the ancient Rhine Rheinhessen Dinotheriensande are called because they often contain teeth and bones of the animal's snout Deinotherium giganteum. In the literature they sometimes also called Dinotherium giganteum. About the exotic wildlife on the Ur-Rhine also informed by Deinotherium named Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim. In the area of Eppelsheim lived about ten million years ago mammoths, saber-toothed cats, bears, dogs, tapirs, rhinos, krallenfüßige ungulates, horses and even great-apes. Eppelsheim enjoys worldwide in science a good reputation. Together with the Paris Montmartre is one of the small town south of Alzey to those great fossil deposits, which began with the exploration of extinct mammals in Europe. The paperback, "The Rhine-Elephant" is dedicated to three deserving women: Dr. Jens Lorenz Franzen (born 1937), paleontologist in Titisee-Neustadt, a longtime employee of the Research Institute Senckenberg in Frankfurt am Main, who rediscovered the Dinotheriensand locality and founder of the first scientific excavations at Eppelsheim, Heiner Roos (b. 1934), the former mayor of Eppelsheim, whose idea and initiative is thanks to the Museum in Dinotherium Eppelsheim, and the Darmstadt paleontologist Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873), has begun with the investigation of mammalian fauna from the Eppelsheim Dinotheriensanden at once.

order the e-book "The Rhine-elephant. The horrors of animal Eppelsheim "at:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gold Refiner, Houston

Lethal walks

Wiesbaden (seriously probst blog) - A walk in Germany during the Ice Age from about 600,000 years might have been dangerous for the people of that time, when no weapons carried with them. For then roamed around everywhere giant lions and jaguars, leopards, cheetahs, saber-toothed cats. Read

this is in the pocket books "Germany during the ice age," "cave lions", "The Lion Mosbacher" and "saber-toothed cats" of the Wiesbaden Science author Ernst Probst. These titles are in "GRIN for academic texts" as a printed paperback and electronic e-book in PDF format published and available in around 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore.

The small but fine paperback entitled "Germany in the Ice Age," describes the sequence of the characterized by strong climatic fluctuations Ice Age from about 2.6 million to 11,000 years ago and informed of the landscapes, plants, animals and humans in warm periods and cold periods and ice ages.

In Paperback "cave lions" are the European cave lion American cave lion and the East Siberian cave lion in words and pictures presented. The cave lion was about 300,000 to 11,700 years ago in Europe the "king of beasts". An entire chapter lists the major sites of cave lions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

The imposing predecessor of the cave lion is the paperback "The Lion Mosbacher dedicated. It is a huge cat with a total length of 3.60 meters, which is named after the former village Mosbach between Wiesbaden and Biebrich. It existed before about 700,000 to 300,000 years ago in Europe and was the largest cat in Germany.

deals with terrifying "saber-toothed tigers" from the Ice Age and even earlier times, the lavishly illustrated paperback "saber-toothed cats". This work belongs to sites of saber-toothed cats and dagger-toothed cats in Germany and the rest of the world. A feast for the eyes, the drawings by English artist Mauricio Anton.

Ernst Probst has more than 100 books, paperbacks, published pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote, among other things, the titles are "records of ancient times", "Records of prehistoric man," "The Ur-Rhine" and "The Cave".

Friday, June 18, 2010

Nadine Jensen In A Girdle

the cosmetics empress was forgetful

Wiesbaden (Ernst-Probst-blog) - Helena Rubinstein (probably 1870-1965), the most successful beauty of the world was brilliant, greedy and forgetful. This is the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst revealed in his pocket book 'Super 13 girls - fashion and cosmetics ". The French artist Jean Cocteau (1889-1963) gave the 1.50 meter tall and plump Polish woman the honorary title of "The Empress of cosmetics". received

When Helena Rubinstein in 1955 in Paris the news of the death of her second husband, she blew her nose in her silk bed sheet and decided not to attend the funeral in New York to fly. "He is dead, why waste all that money?" She said to her secretary Patrick O'Higgins. Many hours later, she telegraphed for half the night fare: "Too sick to travel to."

shone and showed off one hand, Helena Rubinstein, with their wealth, on the other hand, she was very stingy toward others. Jewels, art and jewelry she bought by the dozen and bar with a third volume discount, which they rarely abandoned reluctantly. Her wardrobe consisted mostly of clothing that copied her maid after models of the Paris Haute Couture. The artist Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) said of her: "The distance that separated the Madwoman of Chaillot by Helena Rubinstein, was certainly not greater than the width of a hat. " In interviews

recommended Helena Rubinstein, the best thing a woman could do for her beauty, had a half hour nap. In addition, a woman should never forget to keep themselves straight. A straight spine is the sign of good upbringing. She also said that not all women would suffer from constipation and therefore withered skin, if they would walk more. Beauty can not come from without, not from the make-up that you hang up. Beauty is hard work. In an interview she once had the courage to admit that they themselves use only water and soap.

The process of production in the cosmetics empire Helena Rubinstein, who achieved their best times in a year the equivalent of one half billion marks, was well rationalized. The total requirement of cream, lotion and lotions for France, Scandinavia and the Benelux countries in 1964 was cooked by four workers in huge copper kettles. The powder for this huge consumer market produced a machine system with a single Operator.

"Madame spoke the language very well - English, French, Yiddish, Polish itself - but that did not prevent them to be brilliant," said a friend of Helena Rubinstein. About people they often spoke with abandonment of their family name. Instead, they spoke of "the man who died, the woman" or "the one who always comes to the screen. This they did because they could remember a name.

Even in old age the skin by Helena Rubinstein was still smooth and clean. It operated regularly exercise and body care, to be fit for their work. With age she was interested only for fragrances.

A Pocket "Super Women 13 - Fashion and Beauty" is published in "GRIN for academic texts and the Internet address Cosmetics as a printed paperback or as an electronic e-Book PDF format.

Nadine Jansen In A Girdle

The specialties of the book author Ernst Probst

Wiesbaden (Ernst-Probst-blog) - themes from the fields of paleontology, archeology and cryptozoology, biographies of famous women and men, and aphorisms are specialties of the Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst. He has published from 1986 to 2010 more than 100 books, paperbacks, pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books.

His five works published by C. Bertelsmann in Germany of old, Germany in the Stone Age, the Bronze Age in Germany, records of prehistoric and Dinosaurs in Germany (the last title with Raymund Windolf) are no longer on the market. But there are many other tracks are still in "GRIN for academic texts" as a printed paperback or as various electronic e-book in PDF format.

In "GRIN" you can order the following titles by Ernst Probst:

Paleontology: Archaeopteryx. The first bird from Bavaria, Germany during the ice age, the great-Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years ago, cave lions. Wild cats in Ice Age, The Lion Mosbacher. The giant cat from Wiesbaden, saber-toothed cats. Machairodus of up to Smilodon, the Cave Bear, The Rhine-Elephant (In preparation)

Archaeology: The Bronze Age, The Unetice Culture, The Straubinger Culture, The Eagle Mountain Group, The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg group in the Bronze Age, The Stade group in the Bronze Age The Nordic Bronze Age, The Urnfield Culture, The Lusatian culture

cryptozoology: ape-man. From Bigfoot to Yeti, monsters on the track. As the stories emerged about dragons, giants and unicorns, sea monsters. From Nessie to Zuiyo-Maru-Monster

Biographies: Super Women 2 - Religion, Super Women 4 - Economy and Transport, Super Women 5 - Science Super Women 6 - Medicine, Women's Super 7 - Film and Theater, Super 8 Literature Women, Super Women 11 - Feminism and the Family, Women's Super 13 - Fashion and Beauty, queens of the skies, queens of the dance, super women from the Wild West, Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald, My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and other American Indian wisdom (together with Sonja Probst), Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic queen, Pocahontas. The Indian princess from Virginia, Machbuba. The slave and the Prince, Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes (in preparation), about 70 short biographies about famous female pilots, Balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut

aphorisms: The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football, words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (both together with Doris Probst

Most of these items are not only for "GRIN", but also in some 1,000 online book stores and in all good bookstores.


Only for "Amazon "there is the CD-ROM" Super Women: 14 books on a CD-ROM with all 14 titles in the series "Super Women" and hundreds of biographies of women in orders. / 3935718829/028-7008173-600691

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fluffy Blueberry Scones

relocation, house hunting


I feel it very clear: The time is ripe
for a change, my current one no longer fits me.

who know something here in Dortmund Log in love with me!

The most important needs: garden, wood flooring, bath, 3 rooms or 2 rooms with a HUGE kitchen ;-)
To 600, - € warm for me alone, you ought to buy a house have, I ask two friends who like to move intended :-))

rest as I imagine ...

then everything would be relatively clear right?

Merci!! and see you soon

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Brent Everett And Brent Corrigan Ddl

Once again the holiday ...

love people.

Since my last post I had me a lot of thought about how important the holiday is really so leave in the sense that we understand him "today" (what a stale word ;-). Holiday means the most: sun, sand, sea. Holidays should bring: relaxation. And something we have not here. Something extraordinary, special.

Is it for now We actually impossible to switch off in their own homes? Do we have to flee, so that we no longer answer the phone? The mails do not check? Do we need another country to forget the worries and the pressure can??

Au wei. I feel quite differently when I think about it, it follows that I feel much pressure in everyday life, so I sooo much to run (or fly) in order to get over everything. to get clarity. To feel free.

I resolve and hope to integrate more relaxation into my daily life and discover the beauty on your doorstep. And it's not a clear sign that we are all the sun's rays less and less tolerated? There were also times a time when it was more than distinguished, to be pale ...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why Cant You Use Waxing Strips On Genitel Areas

holiday - thanks Dirk Henn ...

... because: these very issues I have also just completed!

(found on

Summer is approaching and with it the holiday season. Where does it go? look
Dirk Henn

In the near or far away?
is basically it simple: Nah it should be truly sustainable and a place where I can be without care. But how does it become a holiday?
The first clue I am guided by the associations and groupings that have a sustainable tourism prescribed. The discount Viabono But I was too expensive. The Forum Anders Reisen has some very successful tours, but also so much TV Packages - because it is then in the end never do with sustainability. Ö-plus has to offer in Switzerland a lot, but the Blue Swallow, I have decided for me, is the warmest and most determined of tourism quality label. Well, the first attempt but there was nothing that I can pay now, and not a lot of offers were on the very places that dream by which longed to leave my naive soul.
So are we down in early April on his own on the island of Juist. And that was a hit: a place with no cars, no glitter, pomp and great effort.
A car-free island which can be achieved by walking on the narrow side in a quarter of an hour, can not help but all offers and aims to make on foot. Houses, roads and even the landscape, are adapted to the increment of the people and the leisurely cold-blooded, grab the goods from the ferry on low-loader wagons to the two small supermarkets on the island.
And the ferry itself takes one and a half hours to travel in shallow water very gently winding path to the nearby island to find. And even that only works once or twice a day, at maximum flood. The Wadden Sea of the art here can be no other chance. I did not know how much I a place he inscribes his own structure, I can linger or to hurry drives. As I travel, as I am going to the places of the island, will also open up in me the appropriate spaces of solitude, of the here-being, the silence and slowness.
But I was really surprised three weeks ago, 30 miles from my apartment. Actually, I just wanted to spend "on the fly" with my girlfriend for a weekend in that same Black Forest where I live So I looked again, it has to offer, the Blue Swallow. Sonne, a guesthouse near the summit of my favorite mountain, the Belchen.
For over two decades support Christian Leppert and Eve Wollweber their guests without a car, with a pure vegetarian Courts, in a carefully and lovingly furnished guest house. The courageous determination of the board hosts and their love for this city is transferred outright to us. The warm and simple get-together with the other inhabitants of the board has impressed me and it has done me good. It is the spirit of the board hosts that inspired us - so that the spirit of a wonderful place to unfold within us. And suddenly I have, beyond my usual holiday routes, the first time in decades found what I missed in all my vacation again.
In the end, when Christian Leppert us for an evening tells how and why he does all that for more than two decades, I suspect the bigger Image. Without a car to run a sustained run pension for more than 20 people is not a small project and certainly not in rural areas and, at 1,100 meters altitude.
And I see on the way home to migrant signs of a sudden a different way: The reference to the re-Eck, the top of my mountain, Schauinsland makes in one sense: Five hours is it so from here up to the ridge of the I may descend from house to sun. And then my next holiday project is born: The local bus I ride to the station of Schauinslandbahn, let me take up one day and walk over to the corner and down home Wiedener sun. Soon. One fine summer day.
holidays can be very harmful to the environment. How far and with what means of transport I travel, I like food and I reside, all this takes a lot of energy. Our vacations have become at one-fifth of our energy consumption. Between 200 and 7,200 kilograms of CO2 causes a normal holiday per person. Even among the currently available standard offerings are therefore ecological worlds.

WWF has already submitted last summer, a wonderfully vivid small study at the end makes the choice of the appropriate type of holiday rather easily. Look at each case pure when it seeks suggestions!
I have the WWF study appended to this article, you find them online but want to eat at