Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Red Swollen Pinky Toe

e-book about the giant elephant-Rhine

cast of the skull of the elephant in the Rhine "Dinotherium Museum" in Eppelsheim. Links Heiner Roos, the "spiritual father" of the museum. Photo: Ernst Probst

Eppelsheim (seriously probst blog) - The Rhine-elephant with the scientific names of species Deinotherium giganteum - to German "Huge fright animal" - is considered the best-known animal with a trunk at the Ur-Rhine, about ten million years ago. This impressive animal reached a shoulder height of about 3.60 meters. Two downward hook-shaped tusks in the lower jaw gave him the additional name-elephant tusks. Of that primeval giant is at the center of the pocket book "The Rhine-elephant" the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst. For the texts are excerpts from the extensive work "The Ur-Rhine" by the same author, who has made numerous popular scientific works of a name. The Ur-Rheinhessen Rhine flowed in from the room Worms - Binger on the door - to the west than in the present. The then did not touch the river - as now - the area of Oppenheim, kidney stones, neck home, Mainz, Wiesbaden, and Ingelheim. That happened later. The deposits of the ancient Rhine Rheinhessen Dinotheriensande are called because they often contain teeth and bones of the animal's snout Deinotherium giganteum. In the literature they sometimes also called Dinotherium giganteum. About the exotic wildlife on the Ur-Rhine also informed by Deinotherium named Dinotherium Museum in Eppelsheim. In the area of Eppelsheim lived about ten million years ago mammoths, saber-toothed cats, bears, dogs, tapirs, rhinos, krallenfüßige ungulates, horses and even great-apes. Eppelsheim enjoys worldwide in science a good reputation. Together with the Paris Montmartre is one of the small town south of Alzey to those great fossil deposits, which began with the exploration of extinct mammals in Europe. The paperback, "The Rhine-Elephant" is dedicated to three deserving women: Dr. Jens Lorenz Franzen (born 1937), paleontologist in Titisee-Neustadt, a longtime employee of the Research Institute Senckenberg in Frankfurt am Main, who rediscovered the Dinotheriensand locality and founder of the first scientific excavations at Eppelsheim, Heiner Roos (b. 1934), the former mayor of Eppelsheim, whose idea and initiative is thanks to the Museum in Dinotherium Eppelsheim, and the Darmstadt paleontologist Johann Jakob Kaup (1803-1873), has begun with the investigation of mammalian fauna from the Eppelsheim Dinotheriensanden at once.

order the e-book "The Rhine-elephant. The horrors of animal Eppelsheim "at:


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