Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Containers Food To Go In California

Oh this is Africa!

As I have to work until age 13 clock must, I think now time again to you up to date.
On 7 November came to the church again a few Indians to the children and of course to us volunteers Briyaani cook. This is for the children always a highlight, as otherwise they get to eat all the same. The evening was once again the birthday party for the children who have birthday in November. Then there was a small talent show where the children danced and sang. The top three groups then have won prize money, which they probably buy sweets :-). On Tuesday my
Crechies were on the beach. Such trips are very rare, but the more the children look forward to this change. On 10
November I was on my morning off (because the children are always in the school) with Caro and Steffi at the Victoria Street Market in Durban. This is an indoor, year-round market, where you can buy many African decorative items, spices and clothes. There I can buy the first Christmas.
weekend I was off again, so I'm the afternoon went to the mall in Pietermaritzburg, with Tanya to skype with video can (which unfortunately is otherwise too expensive) to buy food and finally upload some photos at to can.
Also see if you like, what I did it all get to see, just look there;)
On Saturday I was in the Valley Kwa Ximba pronounce (with one for you, impossible to imitate Clicking sounds:-P) profiling. This means that you write profiles for the families whose children are supported through the Child Sponsorship Program of GGA. You get once a month a so-called Food-Parcel with the necessary food and it will cover the cost of the school of each child.
Unfortunately jumped recently, the English sponsor, so now get the children of the sponsor no longer supported. This message, of course, none of us would like to convey to the families.
I have a profile of a 15 - year-old boy wrote, the class leader and wants to go study after school (if it is financially possible) to be judges to.
He wants a piece of justice to bring to his country.
was also striking that the children often enter the grandmother as an idol. I do not think those answers would apply in many German children, alas!
The following week was spectacular. On Thursday Seraina, the trainee from Switzerland is flown back home. From the South American summer in the dead of winter, the poor are likely to freeze properly on.
On Saturday the 20th November, I again spent almost 7 hours in the hospital because one of the Crechies received at once a huge, hard stomach. Since she is HIV positive, one is then always extra careful. The next weekend
(26 - 28 November) was the most exciting for me since I'm here. My shift is in fact run with Heather in the Hluhluwe National Park. We slept in St Lucia in a backpackers. On Friday we were there on the beautiful sandy beach swimming (no house for miles, not a single stone in water, dunes, clear water) and have then had a delicious dinner (Highlight!). The next morning we were up at 7:30 clock went off in the direction of National Park. Once there, it was really aufregend.Wir drove by car through the park and so I spent the whole day at the window to stick more or less in order to discover animals.
We were really very lucky because we have discovered after only 5 minutes away from an elephant. We have seen for a while and then photographed hundreds of times, so we did not notice that ran in front of our car, another elephant. Heather wanted us to always offer the best perspective to take pictures, so it may be driven very close to him. Then he came over to us so that we would rather run away.
Then we see even walk past a huge elephant herds to us with lots of babies:) Otherwise we have
many giraffes, rhinos, zebras, wild boars, antelopes and water buffalo. We have seen 5 cars at one point and asked what they discovered: Since then there were three Lions right on the road under a bush (I have no idea how people have discovered). We have estimated super happy 4 of the Big Five (elephant, rhino, water buffalo, lions, leopards) on the increase. When it was dark and we drove towards exit, Heather has asked a ranger of the park, why because he is there. He told us that about 100 meters away from us sits a leopard on the tree. Now everyone wanted to have the binoculars, but very few have been able to discover it.
When I just had the binoculars in hand, and have found him, he climbed down the tree and I can see him really well. So I've
So on the day (we were a total of 11 hours in the park) saw all five of the Big Five, which is really a very lucky: This can behauten very few park visitors.
the evening we were all very tired and after dinner get-together recently and went to bed (bunk beds without ladders).
Sunday we was free and I have decided with some other volunteers for a boat trip around St Lucia, of which we have seen many groups of hippo and a few crocodiles. Otherwise, we are a little run around in the city and are then returned to clock up 17 GGA down.

I tomorrow morning at 6:00 after clock with Caro, Rebecca and Heather Cape Town, drive and still pack the rest must I report in 10 days when I am back further.

So you yet another beautiful frosty period in Germany.

love best regards and see you soon :-)


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