Thursday, September 9, 2010

Difference Between Magnums And Regulars

The first week is over ...

Hello dear Germany :-)

It's been so much happening here that I must report from my adventures.
said on Sunday it that takes place on the GGA site of worship and should we make chic. At 10 we went the direction of theater building and then you could hear the singing of some 250 South Africans-pure goosebumps.
We sat down and expected to be a "normal" service, which includes many prayers and a few songs over and after 1-2 hours. In fact the South Africans were but a Hour in their seats and sang songs in Zulu, and some men entered the stage and began to preach. While it was translated into English by a young girl, however much we really could not understand by the loud cries of some babies and general unrest. Each wore a white headscarf and we got those tied.
The "pastor" referring to us then well into his sermon by saying that he loved us and happy that we participate in this service and in general that we are doing the volunteering. After 2 hours, there was a half-hour break, so the children could eat. Thereafter, various choirs were from the Valleys to the Stage, then sang African dance and pure goosebumps again!
For me the highlight of that twice, "dragged" by older Zulu women were on stage and then we danced and sang with them (we sing no idea what we actually) was. After our "appearance" we have been embraced by many women and even kissing, because they are so happy that we are so open to their culture and have been through.
was beautiful to see how the GGA children sang and danced.
To about 16 clock (after 6 hours) was still a collection for GGA collected and leave the hall with song.
Although I could understand nothing of the songs but it was totally nice to sit between the Africans and to be integrated. It is also incomprehensible to me, how can sing just as beautiful and every South African dance.
may Overall, the German church service I think of this cut off a slice here, since everything is much more outgoing and cheerful walked. During the service we have been able to talk to several women who have danced in our seats and singing but it was then held and a sermon, where many people started to cry (in that we understand anything, we do not know why).
This experience would I never miss and the next time back in the action (this type of service will be held once a month).
On Monday, we have taken children with them and learned something of what takes place here, unfortunately not as simple as many children do not seem to understand that we do it for them and it's good for them. In the afternoon, she would Fentha (which is the sister of the founder) all children and volunteers in the dining room. There, the children were then yelled at because they have forgotten to pick up the trash in the evening. But they then had to clean all the chairs, clean their rooms thoroughly and the ironed school uniforms and clean all the shoes, because the next day, finally, the teachers' strike over. In our volunteers, it is as the "dragon" is known, because they only briefly from her office appears to screaming and then withdraw. They also told us on the first day that we should just be strict with the children, and we will send it to her when they do not even listen. There they are then beaten by her ...
came the evening of two new volunteers.
Tuesday morning, she would Fentha to the meeting and we were finally divided, what we teach children in what subject and who are we to do homework every day.
I do now with David Grade 6 or 12 year old girls and boys, from around half to make 4 homework. It took about half an hour, gather up all 5 kids, because they were not very enthusiastic to do after school or something for it.
I have strayed a girl who likes what we once offended and nothing fancy, but it can not even count in Math 12 +9 or knows how long 40 mm.
Although I try to explain to her all the time that I do it just for her and this is for their future but apparently you could not care less. Move to this point we are volunteers and very disappointed because we expected that African children are glad to be able to school and watching the children had GGA but take chances.
One of my responsibilities now that Crechies bring (the children of the preschool) clock at 13:30 for the noon hour to bed, to bathe 17:00 clock and go to bed at 19:00 clock. These tasks I share me with another volunteer, as we had every 2nd Weekend free, and no one else would be responsible for them. I get along well with the No right, only to bicker 2 children every night and one (I think) 3-year-old girl is currently a little moody. Next I try to see photos of the kids in, so you can all see how cute they look :-)
On Wednesday it smelled of smoke and eventually very Then we learned that burning the fields which border directly to the GGA site. Since there but 13 clock, and thus Lunch Time was, you went first would rather eat something rather than throw further. Currently is a group of British scouts who emphasize houses etc. for a week and called it then "The chicken is burning". As the fire was now something on the site and the chickens run free here, it had probably caught one.
Now we wanted to take matters in hand: each grabbed a leaf from the banana tree and on it went on fire. Through several blows with our "eraser" and some water then smoked it were just a little, flames seen but not more :-) The
again was proof to me that South Africans are very patient.
Incidentally, I have seen my first exotic animal in the environment, on the way to the savings we saw a monkey near the pick-up run away.
case you are probably just autumnal temperatures, however, I already had my first sunburn (although it is winter here). Because it is very conservative and Christian, we women are prohibited to show the thigh. Must under every rock so a warm leggings are worn: /
Now here begins the rainy season, so I'm going on my first off-weekend (that in my free weekend) in the Mall in Pietermaritzburg buy first rubber boots.

So much for my last days here (I am the way, today, exactly a week in South Africa). Tomorrow is my birthday that I would really much rather be with my family and friends. But, fortunately, also many nice people, that is certainly something celebrated :-)




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