Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Do People Like Naruhina

The first half month is around ...

and I've finally done it again, to put me in front of the laptop, and my latest adventures.

My birthday was certainly different than usual, but it was still missing relatives and friends a very nice day: So the children learned that I Birthday, had she sang several times a day, a birthday song (of course in Zulu) for me. In the evening, then happens to the monthly birthday party held for children who are born in September. All children, all volunteers, the "Crew" and the Visitors came from England in Thetaergebäude together and then led everyone would get on stage.
German Typically as we are, we took care of until an hour before the party at our "performance" and therefore only a German birthday song, 99 Luftballons by Nena and Theo put the cart on to came out, probably after the African voices rather lamentably sounded for the encouragement But enough of the kids ;-)
The highlight was a performance of "Young Zulu Warriors" who have been around the world (in Germany) on tour. They danced and sang traditional Zulu to do so. It was time for me to see again impressive that seemingly everyone here possesses a great sense of rhythm.
If you eingebt the term on Youtube come when videos of them and you can perhaps better idea of what I speak.
After the party I brought the kids to bed and then we met us on the pool house, which is the home of the male volunteers, the camp fire.
Saturday the British really wanted a "Sports- Day "organized, but as is almost always here, no one knew really notice what is held when, the day so we more or less just" rumhangen.
Sunday was church again, this time not as huge as last week, but only for the children living here. The service was completely designed by the kids and run. Again much has been sung and held some very emotional preaching.
afternoon seized me then the spirit of sport: I went jogging with Eileen and the Eli.
Hellish 40 minutes in the hilly landscape made me remember how little sports I've done recently. The beautiful view in the Valleys, however, could motivate me well. plagued
On the following day of terrible sore muscles then resumed the normal school week. It came in four Norwegian women who do this for 10 weeks to analyze anything and besides the high schoolers to help with their homework. With them we spent the evening campfire.
Tuesday I was already on at 6:30 clock to go with Becky, Eli and Rike to Durban in the Pavilion shopping center. This is one of the biggest shopping centers all over the southern hemisphere and be in about 3.5 hours we have seen maybe 1 / 3 of the unterirrdisch-running building. Standing in the mall can not imagine that you are in Africa, since all glitter and very European or very modern is-to my delight, there is even a Subway (which is my favorite fast food restaurant) :-)
evening we played some UNO and then went again very soon to sleep. On Wednesday I went
again in the morning off to Durban: This time, accompanied by Steffi, the Caro and Rebecca went to Durban's beach.
sprint patients at 9 clock in the morning we then screaming into the Indian Ocean. Super clean water, a lot of surfers and palm trees were forgotten for me, the familiar North and Baltic Sea.
The current daily temperature is, moreover, about 30 degrees here, although we do not have winter.
Can you perhaps explain to me why here to see the moon with the opening up is? That is we noticed a few days ago and nobody has an explanation.
After exactly 2 weeks I now have almost all the names of the younger children and some adults. Someone asked me whether the name would not sound to me very strange. This is definitely so, because it not only "ridiculous" name, we are Nomfundo, Mandla, and Samkelo Nonjabulo, but also have some one of the three clicking sounds, which I can not imitate easily. When I am back in Germany, I'll show you how to pronounce or Nxolo Sicelo correctly. ;-)
Someone also asked what I would get here for dinner. As already mentioned, we get only the dinner. And that consists of alternating rice with either chicken Wappel, Putu (corn flour) with beans or fried chicken with Bohnenpampe.
Everything But this bean I actually quite like to eat, but it is not very varied, to eat every third day the same. Our staple food in the cottage (the name of our house) are chocolate, yogurt, toast and cereal, so I highly doubt that what is with the model figure for the year abroad :-)

had what I almost forgot: We have a new Roommate in our house. Her name is snake, and they will probably be quite toxic. It was the month on our "Terrace" about to eat a poisonous frog as well as the boys arrived and said "We are real Warior 'we will kill it !"... was a pity that the snake was able to escape despite a few strokes in a hole in our house and since then as now sits. It is comfortable in any direction and no one really knows whether she could come visit us sometimes through the toilet.
Since then I go without my flashlight going anywhere anymore, and at night I imagine, to feel all snakes.

The coming weekend I must work the way again, as we changed the layers. Now I am among other things, the three of them together in a layer, and just as crazy (in a positive sense) are childish as I am. Only the Rike is now in the opposite layer, so we have free weekends at different and thus not able to take short trips together.
To make the top 3 in the details can just imagine:
Caro: You ripped an ever forgiven without even a ***** why you do not notice it often.
Steffi: She is everything with "sh" and I fear that I carried her and the other "dialect-Haber" my beloved High German unlearn. She is just schokisĂĽchtig like me.
Rebecca: She is my new-found twin sister (just as in "The twin girls" happened). The children outside us can not distinguish from each other and also of character we have already found quite a few similarities.

my true twin sister is in Hamburg and is waiting for me, and, in this millennium for me not to be topped (very nice greeting to my Tanni): -*

Now it has become already 10:30 and it is slow for me, bedtime.

Oh a little information to those who have donated some money to my account for the children here. A girl who goes with her class for a few days on a trip was looking for sponsors and I helped her with some other volunteers.
And a girl I have a T-shirt purchased, since the heat here ever had to walk around in a sweater, because it had none.
these are just little things, but distributed over the year I would like to support such funding and more at the end of my stay, then take some more in attack, which the GGA project will really help.



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