Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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pocket books about dinosaurs by Ernst Probst

predatory dinosaurs Juravenator. Drawing: Nobu Tamura
Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst is "terrible lizards" from

Munich / Wiesbaden (Ernst-Probst-blog) - Five new books about dinosaurs from the pen of the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst are now with "GRIN for academic texts, Munich, available as a printed paperback or inexpensive e-book in PDF format. They are called "dinosaurs in Germany," "Walking in Baden-Württemberg", "Dinosaurs in Lower Saxony", "Dinosaurs from A to K" and "dinosaur from M to Z".

The 104-page book, "Dinosaurs in Germany" (ISBN 978-3-640-73202-9) is available from Germany so far known dinosaurs. A total of 19 dinosaur genera are described: Compsognathus, Efraasia, Elephantopoides, Emausaurus, Europasaurus, Gresslyosaurus, Halticosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon, Juravenator, Lexovisaurus, Liliensternus, Megalosaurus, Ohmdenosaurus, Plateosaurus, Procompsognathus, Rotundichnus, Sellosaurus, Stenopelix. Most of these dinosaurs come from Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria.

"dinosaurs in Baden-Württemberg" (ISBN 978-3-640-74435-0) describes in 57 pages eight genera of the "terrible lizards": Efraasia, Gresslyosaurus, Halticosaurus, Liliensternus, Ohmdenosaurus, Plateosaurus, Procompsognathus, Sellosaurus. Of these, at up to ten meters long plant-eating Plateosaurus ("Flat lizard") of the best known. From him we have discovered so many skeletal remains that he is nicknamed 'Swabian dragon "or" German dragon "called.

"dinosaurs in Lower Saxony" (ISBN 978-3-640-74437-4) presents profiles of the 71 sites previously known nine genera of the "terrible lizards" from Ontario: Elephantopoides, Europasaurus, Iguanodon, Lexovisaurus, Megalosauripus, Megalosaurus, Plateosaurus , Rotundichnus, Stenopelix. Some of these are detected only by footprints, which provided the largest of an estimated 15-meter-long dinosaur elephant with a small head, long neck and tail, with elephant-like legs.

total of over 400 dinosaurs in the two books, "Dinosaurs from A to K" (ISBN 978-3-640-73037-6) and "Dinosaurs from M to Z" (978-3-640-74060-4) presented, each comprising more than 470 pages (together about 950 pages). For each dinosaur species, we learn what their scientific name is based. There follow details of the size, the temporal and geographic occurrence, and the systematic position of the scientific First description.

All five books about dinosaurs contain numerous photographs and drawings. A feast for the eyes are the living images of Paläoartisten Dmitry Bogdanov (Russia), Nobu Tamura (USA) and Mariana Ruiz Villiarreal (Germany).

Ernst Probst has provided more than 100 books, paperbacks, published pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. His specialties include popular scientific works from the fields of paleontology and archeology. Famous works: "Records of the primeval," "Records of prehistoric man", "Archaeopteryx. The first bird from Bavaria, "" The Ur-Rhine, "" The Rhein-Elephant "," saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine, "" apes on Ur-Rhine "," Germany in the Ice Age, "" The Mosbacher Lion "," cave lions "," saber-toothed cats, "" The Cave ".

Ernst Probst also wrote many books about famous women such as "super women from the Wild West," "Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, "" Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic Queen, "" Machbuba. The slave and the Prince "," Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes " "Hildegard of Bingen. The German prophetess "," queen of the skies from A to Z, "" queen of the skies in Germany "," Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "(with Theo Lederer).

All titles are published in "GRIN for academic texts and available in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore.

GRIN, with offices in Munich, has specialized since its foundation in 1998 to the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is for students, lecturers and other academics to the ideal Platform, its technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations to a wide audience.


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