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about dinosaurs dinosaur finds in Germany

predatory dinosaurs Juravenator from Bavaria. Drawing: Nobu Tamura

Hannover / Stuttgart (Ernst-Probst-blog) - Nowhere in Germany are more species of dinosaurs have been discovered than in Lower Saxony. There, one found so far bones, teeth and footprints of nine genera. Seven of them were up to 15 meters long plant eater, the other two predators that are occupied only by three-toed footprints. This is from the paperback "dinosaur in Germany. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix "(ISBN 978-3-640-73202-9) of the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst forth.

by footprints are in Lower Saxony, the plant-eating dinosaur genera Elephantopoides, Iguanodon, Rotundichnus and demonstrates the carnivorous species Megalosauripus and Megalosaurus. By contrast, of Europasaurus before Lexovisaurus or similar forms, and Stenopelix Plateosaurus fossil bones and teeth.

Dinosaur From the Land Baden-Württemberg seven genera of fossil skeletons or bones are known: namely Efraasia, Halticosaurus, Liliensternus, Ohmdenosaurus, Plateosaurus, Procompsognathus and Sellosaurus. Of up to ten meters long Plateosaurus (flat lizard) is called because of its frequent occurrence jokingly Swabian dragon. He also referred to as a German dragon, because he is known in Germany from 50 sites.

In Bavaria, we have demonstrated at least three dinosaur species, two of which are small predatory dinosaurs. One of them is only 80 centimeters long Juravenator (Raiders of the Jura mountains), the world's first find of its kind, the other is not much larger Composgnathus (Soft pine). The third kind is Plateosaurus.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt, bring it on two dinosaur genera, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on one. North Rhine-Westphalia one knows the herbivores Iguanodon (iguana tooth) and Hypsilophodon (high back tooth), from Thuringia and the predatory dinosaurs Liliensternus Plateosaurus, Saxony-Anhalt and the predatory dinosaurs Halticosaurus Plateosaurus. What it is exactly at Emausaurus from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, is not known.

The data in the literature about the number of dinosaur genera and species in Germany differ from each other, because the footprints, bones and teeth can sometimes not be assigned with certainty a specific form. Certainly reflect the dinosaur remains discovered to date represents only a small part of the former biodiversity.

From Giants such as up to 40 meters long herbivore Argentinosaurus from Argentina in South America between the North Sea and the Alps it has so far not found any fossils and footprints. From the Saarland, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, Saxony, Brandenburg and Schleswig-Holstein far there are absolutely no dinosaur remains.

The Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst has provided more than 100 books, paperbacks, published pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. He wrote, among other things, the primitive, Stone Age, Bronze Age, the Ice Age, the great-Rhine, saber-toothed cats, cave lions, cave bears, apes and sea monsters.

orders of Pocket book "Walking in Germany" at:


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